Natual Policy Gradient for Queues

[paper] [slides]

  • Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Networks, Jun. 2024.

Bounds on Scheduling in the M/G/k

[short paper] [short slides]

  • MAMA Workshop at ACM SIGMETRICS, Jun. 2024.

Analyzing Queues with Markovian Arrivals and Markovian Service

[slides] [slides (pdf)] [worksheet]

  • ACM SIGMETRICS Tutorial, Jun. 2024.

Relative Arrivals: A New Drift Method for Time-Varying Arrivals


  • SNAPP Seminar, Oct. 2023. [video]

The RESET and MARC Techniques for Multiserver-job Analysis

[paper] [slides] [short paper] [short slides] [poster]

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 2023.
  • ACM SIGMETRICS Student Research Competition, Jun. 2023.

Optimal Scheduling in Multiserver Queues (Thesis defense)

[thesis] [slides]

  • Georgia Tech, ISyE Student Seminar, Sep. 2023.
  • CMU, Jul. 2023.

Multiserver Stochastic Scheduling: Analysis and Optimality (Job talk)


  • Northwestern University, Jan. 2023.

Optimal Scheduling in the Multiserver-job Model

[paper] [slides - SIGMETRICS] [slides - Harvard & MIT]

  • ACM SIGMETRICS, Jun. 2023.
  • Harvard Theory Seminar, Sep. 2022. Hosted by Prof. Michael Mitzenmacher.
  • MIT Algorithms and Complexity Seminar, Sep. 2022. Hosted by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld.

New Stability Results for Multiserver-job Models via Product-form Saturated Systems

[paper] [slides]

  • MAMA Workshop at ACM SIGMETRICS, Jun. 2023.

Stochastic Scheduling with Predictions

[paper] [slides pdf] [slides pptx]

  • STOC 2022, invited speaker at the Algorithms with Predictions workshop.

WCFS Queues: A New Analysis Framework

[paper] [slides pdf] [slides pptx] [video]

  • CMU Theory lunch, Jan. 2022. [video]
  • MIT LIDS Seminar, Mar. 2022. Hosted by Prof. Eytan Modiano.
  • CORS/INFORMS International Meeting, Jun. 2022.

Multiserver-Job Systems

[slides pdf] [slides pptx]

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 2021.

Nudge: Stochastically Improving upon FCFS

[paper] [video] [slides pdf] [slides pptx]

  • ACM SIGMETRICS, Jun. 2021 [video]

Asymptotically Optimal Multiserver Scheduling

[slides pdf] [slides pptx] [SRPT paper] [Gittins paper]

  • Young Europeans in Queueing Theory, Jun. 2021
  • University of Washington Theory Seminar, Mar. 2021

Stability for Two-class Multiserver-job Systems

[paper] [slides pptx] [video]

  • CMU Theory lunch, Oct. 2020. [video]
  • SQUALL lunch at CMU, Oct. 2020

Load Balancing Guardrails

[slides] [paper]

  • ACM SIGMETRICS, Jun. 2019
  • SQUALL lunch at CMU, Apr. 2019
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 2019
  • Ohio State University Seminar, Jan. 2020

SRPT for Multiserver Systems

[slides] [video] [paper]

  • IFIP Performance, Dec. 2018
  • 15-858C at CMU, taught by Prof. Weina Wang, Nov. 2018
  • Columbia, Nov. 2018. Hosted by Prof. Augustin Chaintreau.
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, Oct. 2018.
  • CMU Theory Lunch, Sept. 2018. [video]
  • SQUALL lunch at CMU, Sept. 2018
  • MAMA workshop at SIGMETRICS, July 2018