Here I will link to all of my gender-related pages on this site, with brief summaries.

Blog posts

An Introduction to My Nonbinary Gender: I am nonbinary. This post explains the basics of what that means, for me. This is a good place to start if you’re unfamiliar with nonbinaryness as a concept.

They/she Q&A: I use they/she pronouns. This post explains the basics of what that means, for me. This is a good place to start if you’re unfamiliar with people using multiple pronoun sets.

Learning to talk: A poem about the pain and joy of voice training.

Scavenged Metal Collection: ✧Gender✧!

Gender: Desire and Identity: Do you wish things were different, gender-wise? Wish you were a man, or a woman, or neither? But you don’t feel like you are the gender you wish you were? Your feelings are valid, and you’re not alone. I was in the same boat for many years. Come read this post.

Gender Identity, Without Label or Category: Building upon the previous post, gender identity isn’t about adopting a standardized label. It’s about feeling gender from the inside.

Trans Brainworms: Discussing and dismantling the narratives that get into trans people’s heads, before we hatch and understand ourselves. Narratives about why we can’t be trans or we can’t explore or we can’t come out.

Trans Q&A for TDoV: For Trans Day of Visibility (March 31st), I asked people to ask me questions about being trans, and I answered them here. I’m planning to make this an annual thing.

Ritual for Hormones: A ritual to accompany taking my daily hormones, morning and evening. A reminder of the miracle of creation, every day, by the power of science, medicine, and the trans community.

Transition photos

I started estrogen HRT on April 18th, 2023. Every month since then, I’ve been taking photos in a variety of lovely locations to document and celebrate how my appearance changes.

Some Gender Going On Podcast

SGGO 1: Community Approach to Gender: The initial episode of my podcast, Some Gender Going On. This episode is about focusing on community when it comes to understanding gender, rather than systems of classification, such as the medical, scientific, or binary models. I’m planning to make more episodes.

SGGO 2: Expanding the Gender Club: Cis vs. Trans is not a good way to divy up the world. The real lines are more like gender transgression and gender enforcement. And it’s not at all simple how that shakes out for any given person. And it very much can be both.

SGGO 3: On Not Being a Woman: I’ve been seeing myself move in a more feminine direction, more woman-adjacent direction. And it’s scary, I feel like I’m losing something, some core nonbinary part of myself that I can’t name. I’m exploring what that essence of nonbinariness is.

SGGO 4: Seeing Myself: It took me a long time to be comfortable seeing my body, and especially to be comfortable seeing my face. Now I can look forward to seeing my face and know I’m going to like it! But I still don’t feel like I look ‘different’, somehow.

SGGO 5: Against ‘a girl in a boy’s body’: There’s a shorthand summary for describing trans people: A trans girl will be described as “a girl trapped in a boy’s body”. I don’t like it. I don’t the mindset, I don’t like how it introduces the concept of transness to trans people who don’t know that they’re trans.

SGGO 6: Music 1 A review of some of the first songs from my gender playlist, ‘Them’. Songs that have really helped me think about myself, and I’ve listened to them so much I’ve memorized them.