These are queueing research ideas that I’m interested in, but haven’t gotten around to yet. If you’re interested in any of them as a potential collaborator or advisee, let me know!

I’m particularly interested in working with either Northwestern students, undergrad or grad, or people who already have a background in queueing theory research.

Last updated: November 9th, 2024.

Table of contents

I’ve separated my ideas into five categories:

  • Ideas that I think are quite promising, where I have promising directions for a result.

  • Ideas that are just starting out, or where I don’t quite know how I’d prove a result.

  • Ideas that I’m actively pursuing.

  • Ideas I pursued to some kind of completion, and am not currently pursuing. I’m keeping these around for archival purposes.

  • Ideas I’m no longer interested in. I’m keeping these around for archival purposes.

I’m most interested in collaborating on ideas in the “quite promising” category, but all of them are worth looking at and discussing.

This page is for ideas that look promising but I’m not pursuing yet, or were in that stage earlier but I am now pursuing. I typically have several more projects that I’m actively pursuing, that never went through the “look promising but not pursuing” stage, and so aren’t listed here.

The order within a category is roughly chronological.

Quite promising

  1. Scheduling to minimize E[T^2]

  2. Optimal Relative Completions in the Multiserver-job system

  3. Hybrid ServerFilling and MSJ FCFS to avoid starvation

  4. Scheduling with epsilon prediction errors

  5. Tails for ServerFilling

  6. Continuous MSJ

Starting out/Not sure how to proceed

  1. Scheduling in the low-load limit

  2. Value function service and dispatching

  3. Multiserver Nudge

  4. Optimal dispatching to Gittins queues

  5. Optimal Nonpreemptive MSJ scheduling

  6. Largest Remaining Size in the M/G/k

Active projects

  1. Relative arrivals/completions with infinite state spaces

  2. Beating SRPT-k

  3. Half-batch MSJ

Archive: Submitted or Completed

  1. M/G/k response time lower bounds (known size)

  2. Product form steady-state distributions from graph structure

  3. Optimal scheduling in the general MSJ model

  4. Known size dispatching to FCFS queues

Archive: No longer interested

  1. The Time Index scheduling policy

  2. Optimal Transform

  3. General constrained-service queue

  4. Restless MDPs for tail scheduling

Quite promising

Scheduling to minimize E[T^2]

See Section 8.3.5 of my thesis.

Setting: M/G/1 scheduling for tail, e.g. minimize E[T^2].

Scheduling policy: t/s

Policy: Priority is t/s, where t is a job’s time in system and s is the job’s size. Higher is better. Without preemption to start, for simplicity of analysis. Note that this is an “Accumulating Priority Queue”, but with infinite continuous classes, not 2 classes.

Waiting time distributions in the accumulating priority queue, David A. Stanford, Peter Taylor & Ilze Ziedins

First step: Implement this policy. Compare it against FCFS, SRPT. Poisson arrivals, medium variance, medium load. Does it do well empirically for E[T^2]?

Future steps: Use APQ methods to characterize steady state. Poisson point process of (size, time in system). Characterize for arbitrary joint (Size, Accumulation rate) distribution, specialize to above setting. Characterize transform of response time, moments of response time.

Achievable region method of lower bounds

Background: The key idea behind E[T] lower bounds is that if you prioritize jobs by remaining size, you minimize the amount of work below a given remaining size in the system. Using WINE, this bound can be converted into a response time bound, proving that SRPT is optimal. Similar proofs work for Gittins and in various multiserver systems.

We can call this the “achievable region” method - for each relevant work threshold, there is an achievable region of how much relevant work there can be in steady state, depending on the policy.

Idea: If you prioritize jobs by time in system (FCFS), you minimize the amount of work above each time threshold in the system. “Work with time-in-system above t”. However, this cannot be converted into a bound on tail metrics such as E[T^2], because there is not a conversion from work to number of jobs or response time or anything like that.

However, we can get additional bounds by assigning jobs different deadlines based on their sizes, and then prioritizing jobs in a Earliest Deadline First fashion, where jobs reach maximum priority when they are past their deadline. Each such policy minimizes the amount of work of jobs past their deadline.

If jobs are classed exponential jobs (Exp(μ_1), Exp(μ_2), …), then we can convert directly from an amount of work to a number of jobs. We’ll get bounds of the form “N_1^t/μ_1 + N_2^t/μ_1 \ge x”, where N_i^t is the number of jobs of class i that have been in the system for over t time. Perhaps we can integrate results like this, incorporating different deadlines for different classes of job, to get a good T^2 lower bound.

Optimal Relative Completions in the Multiserver-job system

As I showed in my preliminary RESET paper, the mean response time in the First-Come First-Served Multiserver-job system is controlled by the throughput and relative completions of the corresponding saturated system. It is therefore natural to find the optimal scheduling policy, minimizing throughput and relative completions, under some scheduling restriction, such as the restriction that only the k oldest jobs in arrival order can be served.

First step: Implement a way to specify a such a policy and compute its throughput and relative completions, perhaps in a 3 server system.

Future steps: Search over all possible policies with an MDP solver. Find the Pareto-optimal tradeoff of relative completions vs. throughput, perhaps corresponding to best policies at a variety of loads. Solve symbolically for throughput and relative completions.

Mean-variance tradeoff: Follow up with Shubhada.

Hybrid ServerFilling and MSJ FCFS to avoid starvation

I think I now understand what practitioners mean when they talk about “starvation”. Consider a job that encounters a system where there are relatively few jobs present, but the arrival rate is high, around the critical load. The response time of that job should be relatively low: Proportionate to the number of jobs that were present on arrival, ideally. Practical systems often have feedback mechanisms on the arrival rate, resulting in this pattern of high load but relatively short queue lengths.

MSJ FCFS satisfies this “no starvation” goal, as do many backfilling policies. In contrast, ServerFilling does not: A small-server-need job can be delayed until the system empties.

To overcome this, consider a policy which serves a 95%/5% mixture of ServerFilling and FCFS, or ServerFilling and a backfilling policy. We could then give a sample-path bound on job’s response time in terms of the number of jobs seen on arrival, and the size of the job. Load doesn’t enter into it. We could define this as “no starvation”. We could analyze this policy with our finite-skip analysis.

Scheduling with epsilon prediction errors

Setting: M/G/1 scheduling for the mean. Predictions are given, and there’s a small (epsilon-sized) error in the predictions.

Goal: Schedule to achieve a mean response time performance of the form E[T^SRPT](1+f(epsilon)), for some function f that goes to zero as epsilon goes to zero. This is called “Consistency”.

Twist: There are many kinds of epsilon-error to consider. In our SRPT-Bounce paper, we show that our SRPT-Bounce policy can handle the situation where all predictions may be off by a multiplicative error of epsilon. Adam Wierman and Misja Nuyens have a paper, “Scheduling despite inexact job-size information”, looking at predictions being off by an additive error - consistency is not possible there.

I’d like to instead consider the situation where an epsilon fraction of jobs may have seriously poor predictions, but all other predictions are accurate. There are two natural scenarios:

  1. Epsilon-fraction of jobs have null predictions. In this case, we know that we’re getting no prediction information.

  2. Epsilon-fraction of jobs have predictions that are incorrect by an arbitrary magnitude. In this case, we don’t know that we’re getting no prediction information.

We could also look at load-fractions rather than job fractions.

Even in scenario 1, which is much simpler, things aren’t trivial by any means. If we did something simple like put the null-prediction jobs at the end of the queue, their response time would be something horrible like 1/(1-rho)^2 in the epsilon->0 limit, which would dominate mean response time and not remotely achieve consistency.

Initial question: What’s the mean response time impact of a misprediction from true size x to predicted size x’, under a policy like SRPT-Checkmark or SRPT-Bounce?

Longer-term question: Can we achieve consistency against rare large errors? Can we define a useful misprediction-distance metric such that if that metric is small, we have consistent performance?

Tails for ServerFilling

Setting: MSJ Scheduling, ServerFilling policy (or generally WCFS scheduling). Want to analyze tail of response time.

In our WCFS paper, we analyze the ServerFilling policy’s mean response time, and more generally any WCFS policy’s mean response time, showing that it is near that of resource-pooled FCFS. Because these policies are near-FCFS, we would like to analyze their tail of response time, which is likely quite good in the light-tail-sizes/bounded expected remaining size setting of the paper.

Our analysis separates response time into two pieces: Time in the “front” and time in the “back” (the back is called the queue in the paper, but we’ve since changed terminology to clarify that some of the jobs in the front are not in service).

Time in the back dominates mean response time in heavy traffic, and our analysis could likely be generalized to tightly bound the transform of time in the front to be near that of resource-pooled FCFS. We would just have to change out the W^2 test function in the paper for an exponential test function.

For time in the front, things are trickier. In the paper, we used Little’s law, which allows us to bound mean time in front but does not say anything about the distribution of time in the front. Because ServerFilling prioritizes the largest server-need jobs in the front, we have to worry about the smallest server-need jobs and the tail of their time in the front.

In the worst-case, a 1-server job can only be guaranteed to run once there are k 1-server jobs in the front. Thus, the time-in-front of 1-server jobs could be about k times the interarrival time of 1-server jobs. The k-times is fine, but the issue is the interarrival time of 1-server jobs.

If 1-server jobs are very rare, then their interarrival time will be very large. However, because these jobs are so rare, that won’t have a big impact on metrics like the transform or the tail probability. If 1-server jobs are exceptionally rare, then we can bound their response time by the excess of a busy period, at which point the system will run low on jobs and all jobs remaining in the system will be in service.

Initial question: Let’s bound the transform or tail probability of time in front, either for a specific policy or uniformly over all policies.

Continuous MSJ

Existing theoretical multiserver-job research has overwhelmingly focused on the case of a discrete, finite set of resource requirements (e.g. numbers of servers). Moreover, policies make heavy use of this fact, often selecting a job to serve based on the number of identical jobs that are present in the system (e.g. MaxWeight). To learn more, see my MSR MAMA paper with Ben and Zhongrui. In the real world, it’s common for resource requirements to be real-valued (e.g. 0.35 CPUs), and for no two jobs to be completely identical.

Model: A natural model to capture this is: The total capacity of the system is 1. Jobs have a server need which is in the interval (0, 1]. Any set of jobs with total server need at most 1 can be served simultaneously. Jobs arrive according to a Poisson process with fixed rate λ, and have server need and duration sampled i.i.d. from some joint distribution.

Goal: A natural goal is throughput optimality – stabilizing the system whenever it is possible to do so.

Example setting: A concrete example setting is: Server needs are Uniform(0, 1), and durations are Exp(1), independent of server need. This setting should be stabilizable for any λ<2.

Policies: One way to construct a policy which is definitely stable is to discretize the server needs by rounding them up to the nearest multiple of 1/n, for some large integer n chosen as a function of the system load. Then, we apply a standard policy like MaxWeight or the MSR policies on the discretized system.

This is fine as far as it goes, but these policies have poor performance as a function of n, the discretization parameter. It would be nice to have a throughput-optimal policy that isn’t discretization-based.

One could empirically evaluate the performance of existing non-identical-job-based policies, such as best-fit backfilling (most servers first) and first-fit backfilling.

However, a policy worthy of further investigation is the infinite-n limit of the infinite-switching version of the MSR policy. MaxWeight doesn’t have a natural infinite-n limit, it relies on having many jobs of the same class to function. MSR can be adapted to a continuous policy. For instance, with uniform server need, one version of the policy would be:

  • For each threshold x in (0, 0.5], find the job with largest server need below x, and with largest server need below 1-x.

  • For each interval of thresholds of width dx, serve that pair of jobs at rate 2dx.

Concretely, if the jobs in the system are of sizes {0.21, 0.41, 0.61, 0.81}, this policy would serve:

  • [0.81] at rate 0.38 (thresholds [0, 0.19]),

  • [0.61] at rate 0.04 (thresholds (0.19, 0.21)),

  • [0.61, 0.21] at rate 0.36 (thresholds [0.21, 0.39]),

  • [0.41, 0.21] at rate 0.22 (thresholds (0.39, 0.5)).

Note that this policy is straightforwardly suboptimal. It would be better to serve [0.61, 0.21] rather than ever serving [0.61], for instance. Nonetheless, I believe that this policy would be throughput optimal via a simple discretization proof, along the same lines as the discretized MSR policy, but without requiring actual discretization.

Project: Define the limit-MSJ policy concretely, and prove that it is throughput optimal, likely using a discretization proof.

Further direction: Define a strictly-better version of the policy which doesn’t do silly things like idle servers, and show the result carries over.

Half-Batch MSJ

In large-scale computing systems, such as high-performance computing clusters, there are often two types of jobs:

  • Large jobs: High priority, latency-sensitive jobs which need a large amount of resources (e.g. compute nodes) at once, often a large fraction of the capacity of the entire system.
  • Small jobs: Low priority, batch jobs (non-latency sensitive), which need a small amount of resources at once - many nodes, but a small fraction of the entire system.

The large jobs are the reason the cluster exists, at the size that it does. These jobs need to run on a very large cluster, and they’re the jobs the cluster cares about.

However, there aren’t enough karge jobs to utilize a large fraction of the capacity of the cluster.

So the cluster is also available for use by small jobs. Small jobs could run on this cluster, or on another lower resource system. They’re not the priority, but they help keep the utilization high.

One challenge is that typically, either type of job is preemptible.

Model: We will model this scenario with a MSJ system with two types of jobs, with two different arrival process: Large jobs arrive according to an external stochastic arrival process (e.g. Poisson process). Small jobs are always available. Neither type of job can be preempted.

There are two objects: Response time of large jobs and overall throughput, or equivalently throughput of small jobs. The goal is to optimize the tradeoff between the two.

In general, we would want general distributions of resource requirements and durations for small and large jobs. As a starting point, we can consider small jobs that take one server and large jobs that take n/k servers where n is the number of servers and k is a small integer, and exponential service times specific to the class.

As an extreme first step, we can consider the k=1 case.

Starting point: In the k=1 case, the default policy is: While there are large jobs in the system, no small jobs may enter service - we need to free up space. When all large jobs are done, small jobs may enter service.

There are two variations worth considering, to improve each objective:

  • Reserved capcity: We can avoid using some of the capacity on small jobs even when there are no large jobs present. With exponential durations, it’s more efficient to sometimes allow no small jobs to run, sometimes allow all small jobs to run, rather than only using some of the servers.
  • Batching together large jobs: Rather than serving large jobs whenever they arrive, wait to accumulate many large jobs before servjng them all in a row. This avoids the overhead of emptying out the servers for each job. It’s optimal to always batch up to a threshold, rather than a variety of batch sizes.

First step: Derive the optimal tradeoff curve between mean response time of large jobs and throughput of small jobs.

Starting out/Not sure how to proceed

Scheduling in the low-load limit

Setting: The known-size M/G/k, under low load.

Intuition: The dominant term comes from jobs arriving alone, then two-job interactions, etc. We find which policy is optimal, for which number of jobs. It’s similar to the no-arrivals setting, for which SRPT-k is optimal, but more stochastic. SRPT-k was proven to be optimal in the no-arrivals setting by Robert McNaughton in “Scheduling with deadlines and loss functions.”

Basics: For at most k jobs, there are no nontrivial decisions. For k+1 jobs, just be sure to serve the smallest job. For k+2, it becomes nontrivial.

First step: If k=2, and we consider 4-job sequences, I believe we find that we must serve the smallest pair of any 3 jobs. Confirm?

Future steps: Is SRPT-2 uniquely optimal at low load? Is SRPT-k? Expand to dispatching, MSJ, unknown sizes?

Value function service and dispatching

Can define a SRPT value function, which quantifies the total future response time impact of a set of jobs. If we started two systems, one from empty and one from this set of jobs, and then ran both forever, in expectation by how much would the total response time go up? Relatively simple function, e.g. using WINE.

Using this value function, in systems with constrained service such as MSJ or the switch, serve the subset of jobs that most rapidly decreases the value function. Or dispatch to minimize the value function impact.

First step: Derive the value function.

Future steps: Implement the policy. Compare against ServerFilling-SRPT, Guardrails, etc.

Multiserver Nudge

Nudge was defined for the single-server setting. However, much of the analysis of Nudge relative to FCFS only relied on the arrival process, not the departure process. Does Nudge have better asymptotic tail than FCFS in the M/G/k? Stochastic dominance?

First step: Simulate Nudge in the M/G/k.

Future step: Port the analysis to the M/G/k. How much transfers?

Optimal dispatching to Gittins queues

See Section 8.3.3 of my thesis.

In my guardrails paper, I studied optimal dispatching with full size information. But what if we just have estimates? Or no info? A good candidate for the scheduling policy is the Gittins index policy, and we are trying to match resource-pooled Gittins, which intuitively requires that we always spread out the jobs of each rank across all of the servers.

If estimates are relatively good, a combination that makes sense is estimated-Gittins + PSJF with estimates.

If we have no information, we might just use the greedy policy. For each server, calculate how long the arriving job will have to wait behind all other jobs at that server, in expectation. Also calculate how long other jobs will have to wait behind the arriving job, in expectation. Send to the server where the total expected added waiting time is minimized. We can use SOAP to do this analysis.

First step: Choose a size distribution for which Gittins is simple. Try the above greedy policy. Compare against e.g. Join the Shortest Queue (JSQ).

Future steps: Can we prove that unbalancing isn’t worth it, if the dispatcher and the server have the same information? Can we prove any convergence to resource-pooled Gittins, if the distribution is simple enough?

Optimal Nonpreemptive MSJ scheduling

An important aspect of MSJ scheduling in the really world is that we often want to scheduling nonpreemptively – jobs that need lots of resources simultaneously tend to be expensive to set up and shut down.

The challenge of nonpreemptive scheduling in the MSJ is that it’s expensive to switch between service configurations.

Consider an MSJ system, where we have 10 servers and jobs either take 1 or 10 servers. If we feel like serving 10-server jobs, we can keep serving 10-server jobs for as long as we have them available, with no wasted capacity. If we want to switch to serving 1-server jobs, we can wait until a 10-server job finishes, and put 10 1-server jobs into service, again without wasting capacity. But if we now want to switch back to serving 10-server jobs, we’re going to have to wait until all of the 1-server jobs finish, to free up space. Due to stochasticity, we’ll waste a substantial amount of capacity in the process. If the 1-server jobs take Exp(1) seconds, it’ll take an average of 2.93 seconds to empty out the system, and we’ll only complete 10 jobs, compared to the average completion rate of 29.3 jobs in that time. We’ve wasted an amount of capacity equal to 19 job completions in this process.

This raises the question: When is it worth it to waste this capacity and perform this switch, towards the goal of reducing response times?

The advantage of doing a switch is that we can start on a different class of jobs without waiting for the system to empty. The different class of jobs could have lower mean size (or higher importance), aiding response times.

If we waste capacity too often, the system will become unstable. As we approach that boundary, response times will suffer.

Question: What’s the optimal threshold (# of small and large jobs in the queue) to switch configurations?

Starter question: Let’s simulate a variety of thresholds and see what seems good.

Alternate approach: In heavy traffic, how often should we be switching, optimally? We could get into cycles, where we wait until we accumulate x jobs of one class, then serve then all, paying the overhead, then switch back to the other class, which has a very long queue. The response time of the higher-priority class will be determined by the cycle length, while the response time of the lower-priority class will be determined by the amount of wasted capacity pushing the system closer to the capacity boundary. Can we (approximately) determine how long these cycles should optimally be, given the switching overhead?

Active projects

Relative arrivals/completions with infinite state spaces

Setting: Markovian arrivals/markovian service systems.

In my RESET and MARC paper, the MARC technique allows us to characterize the mean response time of systems with markovian service rates, if those service rate process is finite. See also my SNAPP talk, which is a cleaner presentation of the idea and focuses on markovian arrivals.

The “finite modulation chain” assumption isn’t really necessary - the actual assumptions needed are much more minor. In particular, we should be able to analyze systems like the N-system or Martin’s system by thinking of the non-heavily-loaded server as a modulation process on the service rate of the main server.

A good starting point would an N-system where the recipient server is critically loaded, but the donor server is not.

Starting point: Compute relative completions in the aforementioned N-system, compare against simulation. Perhaps pursue with Hayriye?

Beating SRPT-k

See Section 8.3.1 of my thesis.

See our MAMA paper.

Setting: SRPT-k (M/G/k/SRPT) is heavy-traffic optimal for mean response time, as I proved in SRPT for Multiserver Systems, but it can be beaten outside of heavy traffic.

Idea: Consider a 2-server system with 3 jobs in it: Two are small, one is large. There are two scheduling options: Run both small jobs first (SRPT), or one small and one large first (New concept). Once a small job finishes, start running the third job. If no new jobs arrive before the long job finishes, both options have the same total response time. If new jobs arrive after the small jobs finish but before the large job finishes, starting the large job sooner (New concept) is better. If new jobs arrive before both small jobs are done, SRPT is preferable.

Policy: Flip-3. (A variant of this is the SEK policy from my thesis and the MAMA paper). In an M/G/2, if there are at least 4 jobs, just run SRPT. If there are 3 jobs, and 2 have remaining size below a, and the third has size above b, run the smallest and largest jobs. Otherwise, SRPT. Set a at roughly 20% of the mean job size, and b at roughly the mean job size.

First step: Implement this policy. Compare it against SRPT-k. Fiddle around with job size distributions, loads, and a and b thresholds to find a relatively large separation (0.1% is normal, 1% is good).

Future steps: Use a Nudge-style argument to prove that if a is small enough and b is large enough, the Flip-3 policy has lower mean response time than SRPT-2.

Details: Consider the case where we have jobs of size ε, ε, 1. The SEK policy runs ε, 1 for ε time, then ε, 1 for ε time, at time 2ε having the state 1-2ε. SRPT-k runs ε, ε for ε time, then 1 for ε time, at time 2ε having the state 1-ε. This is worse.

To prove that SEK in this specific instance is beneficial, proof sketch:

  1. 1-2ε sample-path dominates 1-ε, by at least ε response time.
  2. If a job arrives in the first 2ε time to disrupt things, there is a coupling for SRPT-k and SEK such that until the end of the busy period, system states differ by at most ε at all times, resulting in only O(ε) worse total response time in the SEK system.
  3. 1-2ε achieves ε+Omega(ε) better total response time that 1-ε, because more jobs could arrive.

Largest Remaining Size in the M/G/k

In our recent MAMA paper, Ziyuan and I introduced the WINE lower-bounding framework, which proves lower bounds on mean response time in the M/G/k under arbitrary scheduling via lower bounds on mean relevant work under arbitrary scheduling.

The optimal policy for mean total work under arbitrary scheduling is the most servers first policy, I’m fairly certain. The reasoning is fairly simple: Total work is minimized if as many servers are running as possible at each moment in time. The only thing that can get in the way of that is too much work concentrated into too few jobs. So, we should schedule the job of largest remaining size. This is the opposite of the SRPT policy/

First step: Can we prove rigorously that LRS minimizes total work in the M/G/k? This should be true in a sample-path sense, which should make the proof relatively straightforward.

Next step: Can we analyze LRS for the M/D/k, or even just the M/D/2? (D for Deterministic). I think that the ISQ methods described in the same MAMA paper might be useful. In particular, drift functions derived via differential equations to give constant drift might be useful.

Future: Can we prove tighter bounds by thinking about bounding LRS, rather than trying to bound an arbitrary policy? Even if we can’t get an exact analysis.

Archived: Completed

M/G/k response time lower bounds (known size)

See our submitted paper.

See our preliminary work on this topic.

See Section 8.3.2 of my thesis.

There are two straightforward lower bounds on mean response time for the M/G/k: kE[S], the mean service duration, and E[T^SRPT-1], response time in an M/G/1/SRPT. Empirically, as ρ->1, SRPT-k achieves a mean response time around E[T^SRPT-1] + kE[S]. Can we prove a lower bound that’s asymptotically additively larger than E[T^SRPT-1]?

Idea: Use WINE (see my thesis), with M/G/1 and M/G/infinity work bounds at different sizes. Mainly only improves things at lower loads.

Idea: Look at the “Increasing Speed Queue”, which starts at speed 1/k at the beginning of a busy period, then 2/k, etc., capping at speed 1 until the end of the busy period. Provides a lower bound on work. A higher lower bound than the M/G/1. Incorporate into the WINE bound.

First step: Derive the WINE bound.

Future step: Quantity expected work in the increasing-speed queue, perhaps with renewal-reward.

Update: We can analyze the increasing-speed queue via the constant-drift/affine-drift method, akin to the MARC method from my RESET and MARC paper and my SNAPP talk.

See my photo-notes on the subject. For the 2-server setting, the constant-drift test function is:

f(w, 1) = w, f(0, 0) = 0,
f(w, 1/2) = w + (1-e^(-2lw))/2l

The affine-drift test function is:

f(w, 1) = w^2, f(0, 0) = 0,
f(w, 1/2) = w^2 + w/l + (1-e^(-2lw))/2l^2

These should be sufficient to compute mean work!

If we make the state space consist of work, time until next arrival, and speed, we can simplify this considerably. The constant-drift test function is now:

f(w, 1) = w, f(0, 0) = 0,
f(w, a, 1/2) = w + min(w, a/2)

If we plug in a = Exp(l) and take expectations, we get the first expression above.

Product form steady-state distributions from graph structure

See our submitted paper.

The 2-class MSJ saturated system has a product form steady-steady distribution, as a consequence of the graph structure of the Markov chain. This is in contrast to the single-exponential saturated system, for which the transition rates are also important to the product-form argument.

In general, a directed graph has a product form if there is an “directed elimination ordering” to its vertices, defined as follows:

  • For each vertex i, define its neighborhood to be all vertices j for which there exists an edge j->i, as well as i itself.

  • Start with a source vertex, and place it in the “eliminated” set.

  • Repeatedly select vertex neighborhoods that contains exactly one uneliminated vertex. Each time such a neighborhood is selected, eliminate the new vertex.

  • If this process can be continued until all vertices are eliminated, the directed graph has a “directed elimination ordering”.

All Markov chains with such an underlying graph have product form steady-state distributions. Moreover, such chains have summation-form relative completions, a new concept which allows relative completions to be characterized in closed-form.

First step: What are some classes of graphs that have elimination orderings? I know undirected trees and the ladder graphs are examples. What others?

Future steps: Have these graphs been studied already, likely under a different name? Can we give a closed-form characterization of this family of graphs? Are they closed under any operations, such as taking minors?

Update: Elimination ordering seems better for summation-form relative arrivals/relative completions. Instead, for product-form you need something slightly stronger: A sequence of cuts such that on each side of the cut, there’s exactly one vertex with transitions across the cut.

Optimal scheduling in the general MSJ model

See our paper which is under revision.

See Section 8.3.4 of my thesis.

Outside of the divisible server need setting behind the DivisorFilling-SRPT policy, we can’t guarantee that all of the servers can be filled by an arbitrary set of k jobs. This can cause problems in two ways:

  1. The smallest jobs might not pack well.

  2. If we prioritize the smallest jobs, the jobs that are left over might not be able to fill the servers.

For example, consider a system with k=3 servers and jobs of server need 1 and 2. If the 2-server jobs have smaller size, we can’t fill the servers with just 2-server jobs. If the 1-server jobs have smaller size, and we prioritize them, we’ll run out of 1-server jobs and have just 2-server jobs left, which can’t fill the servers.

To fix problem 1, we should just find the set of jobs with smallest sizes that can fill the servers, and serve those jobs. Proving that this is optimal will be challenging.

To fix problem 2, we should set a floor on the number of 1-server jobs that we want to keep in the system, in the style of CRAB, and when we reach the floor, use the least 1-server-intensive strategy. Proving this is optimal will also be hard.

First step: Find a prospective policy for the k=3 setting that “feels” optimal.

Known size dispatching to FCFS queues

This paper has been accepted to SIGMETRICS 2024: Heavy-Traffic Optimal Size-and State-Aware Dispatching!

Starting point: CRAB by Runhan Xie and Ziv Scully, initial work presented at MAMA 2023.

Setup: Imagine web requests are arriving to a server farm. Jobs arrive, are dispatched to servers, and are served. Let’s optimize this.

When a job arrives, it must be dispatched to one of several servers. At dispatch time, the size of the job is known (or estimated), and that size is used for the dispatching decision. Once at a server, jobs are served in FCFS order.

What’s a good dispatching policy to minimize mean response time? What’s optimal? I’m especially interested in heavy traffic (arrival rate near capacity).

Idea: There’s an unavoidable amount of work in the system, M/G/1 lower bound. However, if we concentrate almost all of the work onto one server, and only dispatch large jobs to that server, then almost all of the jobs will avoid that long delay. Of course, we need to keep the other servers busy to avoid wasting capacity, but we’ll keep their queue lengths short.

Concrete policy: “Many Short Servers” (MASS). Based on size, divide jobs into classes small, medium, and large. Set these cutoffs so that the small jobs make up (k-1)/k - ε fraction of the load, where k is the number of servers, the large jobs are 1/k - ε of the load, and the medium jobs are the other 2ε of the load. ε is a small constant to be determined.

Designate k-1 servers as the short servers (low workload), and one as the long server (high workload). Small jobs go to the short server, large jobs go the long server, and for medium jobs it depends.

Designate a target amount of work for the short servers. This should be o(1/(1-ρ)), to be smaller than the long server, and it should be omega(log(1/(1-ρ))), so it doesn’t run empty due to bad luck. sqrt(1/(1-ρ)), for instance.

Whenever a small job arrives, send it to the short queue with least work. Whenever a large job arrives, send it to the long server. When a medium job arrives, if the short server with the least work is below the target amount of work, send the medium job there. If all short servers are above the target, send the medium job to the long server.

First step: Implement this policy. Start with k=2, for simplicity. Compare it against JSQ, LWL, SITA. Poisson arrivals, high variance sizes, high load. Does it do well empirically, for appropriate settings of ε and the target work?

Refinement: Dynamic relabeling. Whenever a job arrives, the long server is whichever has the most work at that moment, not static.

Future steps: Prove state space collapse. The system is almost always close to having all short servers at the target, or all servers below the target.

Use SSC to bound response time/waiting time.

Lower bound waiting time. Argument: All servers must have 1/k of the load going through them. The work has to be somewhere, and there’s theta (1/(1-ρ)) of it in total. Best case scenario is that the largest jobs are the only jobs delayed by the work. This should dominate waiting time. This should match the waiting time of MASS, up to ratio 1, if the distribution is not too crazy.

Archived: No longer interested

These are projects that I was once interested in, but I’m not interested in any more. Maybe the approaches that I wanted to pursue didn’t pan out, maybe others took it in more interesting directions. Either way, you can see my old ideas here.

The Time Index scheduling policy

Setting: M/G/1 scheduling for the tail, especially the asymptotic tail, especially in comparison to FCFS.

Policy: Time Index. Priority is s - t, where s is a job’s size and t is the job’s time in system.Lower is better. Relatively simple proof that waiting time dominates FCFS waiting time.

First step: Implement this policy. Compare against FCFS, Nudge.

Future steps: By how much does it dominate FCFS? Characterize leading constant of asymptotic?

Optimal Transform

My Nudge paper works very hard to do even the most basic analysis of the tail probability P(T>t). But maybe the reason this is hard is because we’re effectively comparing the response time random variable against a constant, and the constant random variable is obnoxious to work with – it has a sharp cutoff.

The smoothest random variable is the exponential random variable. If we use that as our cutoff, we get P(T>Exp(s)), which is the Laplace-Stieltjes Transform of response time (Technically, it’s P(T<Exp(s)), not P(T>Exp(s)). This still captures similar information, if we set s=1/t. It is also much easier to analyze: All SOAP policies and Nudge have transform analysis. So let’s try to optimize the transform.

Intuition: Effectively, jobs abandon at rate s, and we want to maximize the fraction that we complete before they abandon. If jobs told us when they abandoned, the optimal policy is straightforward: run the small job that hasn’t abandoned yet. But we don’t know which jobs have abandoned. We need to use time in system as a proxy.

First step: Compute the transform for some common policies, like FCFS, SRPT, Nudge, via simulation and/or formula. Compare against simulated P(T>t), which we can call the “hard tail”.

Future steps: Is the transform a good proxy for the hard tail?

Is the inverse transform a good proxy for the inverse hard tail, e.g. a percentile?

For a given pair of (time in system, remaining size), what’s the optimal 2-job policy? Is it that index policy I came up with a while back? What’s a semantic understanding of that policy? Can we analyze it? Is it empirically optimal in the full M/G/1? Does it perform well for the hard tail/percentiles?

Update: The optimal 2-job strategy is to serve the job that maximizes e^-st e^-sr/(1-e^-sr).

Semantically, this is the probability of not abandoning prior to the time of the decision, times the probability of not abandoning while run, divided by the probability of abandoning while being run.

Note that this is a “conveyor belt” policy: jobs never interchange priority. This is a class containing SOAP and Nudge.

Further steps: Implement this policy in simulation. What’s its empirical transform? Is it empirically optimal?

Is the policy the optimal 3-job policy? Optimal without arrivals?

Important update: This is a pretty bad tail metric, and hence a pretty bad policy. This metric gives jobs diminishing importance as they age, while a good tail metric should give jobs increasing importance as they age. This issue is reflected in the policy, which rates jobs as less important the larger their time in system.

Instead, one should consider the metric E[T^(st)], in contrast to the above discussion of E[e^(-st)]. The optimal 2-job strategy is then to maximize e^st e^sr / (1-e^sr). This is a better metric and a better policy. It’s equivalent to using negative inputs to the transform, so it’s still extractable from the transform. One must be careful to only consider values of s for which the metric is finite.

General constrained-service queue

The Multiserver-job system and the switch can both be thought of as special cases of the “Constrained service queue”: Jobs have classes, and a certain multisets of classes can be served at once. In the 2x2 switch, the service options are (ad, bc), while in the 2-server MSJ setting, the service options are (aa, b).

What policies and analysis make sense in the general constrained-service queue? MaxWeight, used e.g. in “Stochastic models of load balancing and scheduling in cloud computing clusters”, seems to be always throughput-optimal. When does a ServerFilling equivalent exist? My RESET paper seems like it always applies to FCFS-type service.

Restless MDPs for tail scheduling

In our Gittins-k paper and in Ziv Scully’s Gittins paper, “The Gittins Policy in the M/G/1 Queue”, we relate the Gittins policy to that of the Gittins Game, a corresponding MDP whose optimal solution describes the Gittins scheduling policy, and gives rise to the optimality of the scheduling policy. This relationship is at the heart of Gittins’ original paper, “Bandit Processes and Dynamic Allocation Indices”, which introduces both the MDP policy and the scheduling policy.

For the mean response time objective, the corresponding MDP is a restful MDP, giving the optimal solution strong enough properties to carry over to the scheduling setting. In contrast, for a tail response time objective such as T^2, the corresponding MDP is a restless MDP. Recently, there have been advances in the theory of multiarmed restless MDPs, such as the Follow-the-Virtual-Leader (FTVL) policy of Yige Hong and Weina Wang, in their paper “Restless Bandits with Average Reward: Breaking the Uniform Global Attractor Assumption”.

Question: Can we formulate a restless Gittins game, solve the single-arm version, and use the FTVL policy or something similar to design a scheduling policy?