Articles that I read, that I liked and you might like too (videos, etc. also allowed). This time I’m going to organize it by subject material.


  • Prayer for Transformation, a lament at being born male, by a trans woman named Rabbi Kalonymus, written in 1322. Both eloquent and relatable to a modern trans person. We’ve always been here.

  • Gender Census, an annual census of non-binary people. Open now through August 12, 2022.


  • Always Human, a futuristic science fiction romance story. It’s beautiful and touching and gentle and warm, and every page has it’s own atmospheric music.


Topics I’m thinking of writing about

  • Another paper retrospective

  • Living in a postselected world

  • Transcribing the process of solving an IMO problem - false starts and all.

  • Discord server for (research) computer scientists